Friday, 6 September 2013

A tribute to Hocus Pocus - The Book Necklace

Hocus Pocus is one of my all time favourite films. Ever since I was a kid I have been spellbound by it (See what i did there?)

I have a lot of sisters and we fall into groups of those closest in age. I'm one of the youngest 3, and when we were little we were always called 'The three' or 'You three' so we likened ourselves to the Sanderson sisters whenever we watched Hocus Pocus, I was always Winifred, cos I was the oldest of the 3. 

When I moved into my first flat there was a great set of windows overlooking a large group of messy, wild bushes  weeds underneath. The first time my younger sister came to vist me I hung out the window while she was in the front yard and started shouting. "Boooooook! Book! Come home, or make thyself known!" and we both fell into fits of laughter. So it was only fitting I make a Hocus Pocus piece. 

I wanted to make something 100% original and from the heart and one night when I was trying to sleep it hit me: BOOK. 

I set about carving it the next day. Using polymer clay I started with a basic rectangular shape and then added the details. Doing the stitches was the most painful part as each one had to be made individually.

I was so impressed with how well it came out!

 I do about 4 coats of paint to get the 'withered skin' effect I am after. 

 Once she's dried it can then be varnished with a high gloss sealant and then polished to perfection. How creepy is the eye!!

The only thing I would like to improve on is getting the stitches to come out in greater detail - Sometimes the resin creates a bit of a bubble trying to get into the small spaces where the stitches are, but I think I have found a way to fix this. ;)

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